There are so many questions such as how do I book my first midwife appointment at the hospital, when will I get a scan, what food is safe to eat and is it normal to feel how I am feeling.
Starlight Ultrasound offers early pregnancy scans from as early as five weeks. This means five weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), rather than conception.
A gestation sac can usually be identified at this stage and sometimes even a yolk sac. It is normally around six weeks that the fetal heartbeat can be detected, which is when a pregnancy can be confirmed as viable. Due to high quality ultrasound imaging and expert sonographers at Starlight Ultrasound, it has been known for the fetal heartbeat to be detected at 5+4 weeks.
If it is too early to confirm viability, we offer a complimentary rescan one week later.
As a diagnostic clinic, Starlight attracts people, some of whom may have a difficult obstetric history, who are seeking extra reassurance.
The reasons people come for early pregnancy scans can be varied and include IVF pregnancies and those with a history of ectopic or molar pregnancies.
Irregular cycles, whether caused by issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can also mean some people don't know how far along they are.
Similarly gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis or adenomyosis can contribute to someone looking for additional support and guidance.
For early pregnancy scans, where it is too early to detect a heartbeat, Starlight offers a complimentary scan one week later to assess viability.
Even with such early scans, they are initially performed transabdominally (on the stomach) so it is advisable for women to attend with a full bladder, so approximately one pint or half a litre of water at least half an hour prior to the appointment.
All sonographers at Starlight Ultrasound are qualified to perform transvaginal (internal) scans so if the sonographer deems it necessary, a transvaginal scan may be offered.
Starlight only ever employs fully qualified, medically-trained sonographers because we feel it is extremely important that any practitioner fully understands all aspects of the type of scan being offered.