Medical Ultrasound
General Medical Ultrasound Scans at Starlight
Starlight Ultrasound is a private ultrasound clinic which offers general medical ultrasound scans for men, women & children.
There is no need for a GP or Consultant referral - you can self-refer and book an appointment to suit.
Where required, written reports are provided to you by email on the same day as the appointment meaning any follow-up from your GP or specialist can be dealt with promptly.
These general medical ultrasound scans are available at both clinic locations and can be booked on-line 24/7 as well as over the phone, by email, social media, LiveChat and in clinic.
Our booking platform is a live diary system meaning available slots show in real time so cancellations that open up availability can be seen as soon as they happen.
Starlight does not offer musculoskeletal (MSK) scans or lumps & bumps scans so our scans are not suitable for hernias, muscle, tendon or soft tissue injuries, or any type of lump or bump.
All bookings require a non-refundable deposit with the balance payable in clinic when you attend the appointment.
Please note a written report for your GP or Consultant Doctor will contain all of the relevant information and in the vast majority of times scan images will not be required by another medical professional. The reason being most medical professionals are not trained in ultrasound and therefore the images do not mean very much to them. Additionally ultrasound is a live imaging technique so still images can be subjective and can be easily misinterpreted out of context and any images captured may be more as a reference to the sonographer performing the scan. Unlike X-Ray images which are static images and useful in exhibiting a broken bone for example, ultrasound scan images form only part of the assessment and it is what the sonographer interprets during the live examination that is most important.
Paediatric Ultrasound Scans
Starlight offers abdominal scans for toddlers, children and young people from age 3 upwards.
These scans are not suitable for newborn babies but feel free to check with us prior to booking for certainty and confirmation as to whether we can assist with your specific circumstances.
These scans assess the same abdominal organs and issues covered by our standard adult abdominal scans. So a paediatric ultrasound scan at Starlight assesses the size, outline and structure of the liver, billary system, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and urinary bladder and assesses for any cysts, masses, stones or polyps. For girls, it can also check the uterus and ovaries.
A paediatric ultrasound scan costs £180 with £30 payable on booking and the balance is payable in clinic when you attend for the appointment.
To check availability and/or to book a paediatric scan please go to this page of our website. When entering details on the booking system, even if it asks for your name as a parent / guardian, please use the child's name.
Men's Health Ultrasound Scans
Women's Health Ultrasound Scans
To see the options, prices, check availability and/or to book your women's health scan appointment, please see this page of our website.