Starlight Ultrasound's TV Advert

Starlight Hits The Screens

We're delighted to share our advert which aired on Sky TV for the first time during September 2021.

Thanks to Suzanne Collier, along with baby Louie, and Emanuela Lawrence, along with baby Michael, for giving up their time to be filmed.

In addition to this 30-second advert there are a couple of longer interviews with both Suzanne and Emanuela which give greater insight into their experiences of attending scans at Starlight Ultrasound during their pregnancies.

They are posted as separate articles here on our blog.



So for now look out for the advert on various Sky TV channels or watch it here by clicking on this link to view our advert on YouTube.

If you want to see when The Real Housewives of Cheshire came to visit Starlight, you can find out more about that here.